Red Wine Marinade

1 whole beef tenderloin (3ish pounds)

1 bottle red wine (a Cabernet that you would drink)

1 cup bone broth

1/2 cup gluten free tamari

1/4 cup sesame oil

1 head of garlic peeled and smashed

1 onion roughly chopped

Fresh packaged herbs: rosemary, oregano, thyme, & tarragon

3 TSBP black peppercorns

1 Large plastic bag

Rinse and place the tenderloin in the bag. Add everything except the fresh tarragon and marinate in the refrigerator for 12 - 24 hours.

Pre-heat oven to 300*.

Take the beef out of the marinade, wipe off extra bits, and let rest for 30 minutes. Pat dry and place on baking sheet or roasting pan.

Wrap the tenderloin with tarragon and slow roast in the oven until the internal temperature comes to 125* for rare, 135* for medium rare, or 145* for medium, about 1 to 1.5 hours depending on final temperature.

Place on cutting board and let rest for 20 minutes.

Slice and serve with green salad, potatoes, and sautΓ©ed Brussel sprouts. A homemade basil aioli would be great with this, but I like to use this North African Harissa.

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Happy Cooking

Anne Barbo Moon


While we have more than eleven years’ experience of navigating the world as the parents of a child with Celiacs, we are not physicians, nutritionists, or other licensed medical professionals. The material and content contained in the Services is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for consultation, diagnosis or medical treatment by a licensed medical professional. Please consult your doctor for any medical or health-related questions. The information contained in the Services should NOT be used to disregard medical or health-related advice from a physician or licensed medical professional.